Wanted: Warping Help

Is anyone interested in warping a table loom for a nice lady who is happy to pay for the service? She wants to weave but has always had someone else dress her loom for her, and she can’t take a…

Help wanted to warp a loom

I have received a request for someone to warp a loom as a birthday present. I believe the person is willing to pay for the service. Below is the email I received which contains as much detail as I have.…

NOBO Panel Discussion

The next NOBO meeting is Thursday, January 23rd, 7:00 pm, (6:30 social hour and refreshments) at the Byfield library. Our Ladies of the Draft have planned to present an informal panel discussion on the topic of Starting a Business. The…

Loom for Sale

Posting this for a customer who has a loom for sale. This is actually a table loom with a floor stand, not a floor loom, no treadles. “I have a beautiful Iris floor model loom…..made in Canada….excellent condition. It has…