Natural Dyeing Category

Author Title

Adrosko, Rita A. Natural Dyes and Home Dyeing

Bliss, Anne North American Dye Plants

Blumenthal & Kreider Hands On Dyeing

Brooklyn Botanic Garden Handbook on Dye Plants and Dyeing

Brooklyn Botanic Garden Natural Plant Dyeing

Bryan, Nonabah G. Navajo Native Dyes

Casselman, Karen Leigh Craft of the Dyer: Colour from Plants and Lichens of the Northeast

Colton, Mary-Russell Ferrell Hopi Dyes

Davidson, Mary Frances The Dye-Pot

Dyer, Anne Dyes From Natural Sources

Furry & Viemont Home Dyeing With Natural Dyes

Gerber, Frederick H. The investigative Method of Natural Dyeing

Grae, Ida Nature’s Colors, Dyes from Plants

Krochmal, Arnold and Connie The Complete Illustrated Book of Dyes from Natural Sources

Larsen,Jack Lenor The Dyer’s Art, Ikat, Batik, Plangi

Lesch, Alma Vegetable Dyeing

Thurstan, Violetta The Use of Vegetable Dyes

Van Stralen, Trudy Indigo Madder & Marigold