Book List – NOT up to date, use Library Thing

Author Title

Albers, Anni Anni Albers: On Weaving

Alderman, Sharon A Hand Weaver’s Notebook

Amir, Ziva Arabesque, Decorative Needlework From The Holy Land

Atwater, Mary Meigs Byways in Hand-weaving

Atwater, Mary Meigs Recipe Book, Patterns for Handweavers

Atwater, Mary Meigs Shuttle-Craft Book of American Hand-Weaving

Ball, Margaret Color and Weave Effects for Four-Harness Twills

Barrett, Clotilde & Smith, Eunice Double Two-Tie Unit Weaves

Black, Mary E. Key to Weaving

Black, Mary E. New Key to Weaving, Handweaving for the Beginner

Blum, Grace D. Functional Overshot

Boss, Gayle & Hellner, Cheryl The Wounded Quetzal: Women & Weaving in Guatemala

British Wool Marketing Board British Sheep Breeds, Their Wool and Its Uses

Buchanan, Rita A Weaver’s Garden

Burnham & Burnham Keep Me Warm One Night, Early Handweaving, Eastern Canada

Davison, Marguerite Porter A Handweaver’s Pattern Book

Dendel, Esther Warner Needleweaving, as Easy As Embroidery

Drooker, Penelope B. Embroidering with the Loom, Combinations of Stitchery & Weaving

Drooker, Penelope B. Samplers You Can Use, Creative Exploration

Fangel, Esther, et al Danish Pulled Thread Embroidery

Frey, Berta Seven Projects in Rosepath

Gallagher, Constance Linen Heirlooms

Groff, Russell Card Weaving or Tablet Weaving

Handwoven Magazine The Weaver’s Companion

Harris, Jennifer Textiles, 5,000 Years

Held, Shirley E. Weaving, A Handbook for Fiber Craftsmen

Holroyd, Ruth N. Jacob Angstadt, His Weavers Patron Book

Holroyd, Ruth N. & Ulrike, L. Jacob Angstadt Designs, Drawn from His Weavers Patron Book

Howard, Constance Embroidery and Colour

Ingers, Gertrud Flemish Weaving, A Guide to Tapestry Technique

Kahn, Deborah The Handspun Project Book

Kliot, Kaethe & Jules Bobbin Lace, Form by the Twisting of Cords

Kurtz, Carol S. Designing for Weaving, Study Guide for Drafting, Design & Color

Landis, Lucille Twills and Twill Derivatives

Liebetrau, Preben Oriental Rugs in Colour

Lundback, Maja Small Webs, Some Practical Considerations of Patterns & Structures

McRae, Bobbi A. The Fabric & Fiber Sourcebook

Narazaki, Muneshige Masterworks of Ukiyo-E: Studies in Nature

Oelsner, G. H. A Handbook of Weaves, 1875 Illustrations

Paque, Joan Michaels Visual Instructional Macrame’

Piroch, Sigrid Holiday Cards

Piroch, Sigrid The Magic of Handweaving, The Basics and Beyond

Pond, Gabrielle An Introduction to Lace

Powell, Marian 1000 (+) Patterns in 4, 6, and 8 Harness Shadow Weaves

Pyysalo, Helvi & Merisalo, Viivi Hand Weaving Patterns From Finland

Rainey, Sarita R. Weaving Without a Loom

Regensteiner, Else The Art of Weaving

Regensteiner, Else Weaver’s Study Course, Ideas and Techniques

Retter, Mary Jo Weaving a Life: The Story of Mary M. Atwater

Rossbach, Ed Baskets as Textile Art

Safner, Isadora M. The Weaving Roses of Rhode Island

Schorsch, Anita The Art of the Weaver

Selander, Malin Weave a Weave

Sieber, Roy African Textiles and Decorative Arts

Strickler, Carol A Portfolio of American Coverlets, Volume 4

Sutton & Richard Tartans, Their Art and History

Swanson, Karen Rigid Heddle Weaving

Thompson, F. P. Tapestry, Mirror of History

Thorpe, A S. & Larson, Jack L. Elements of Weaving

Tod & Del Deo Rug Weaving for Everyone

Ulrich, Laurel Thatcher A Midwife’s Tale

Voiers, Leslie Looking at Twills

Voiers, Leslie Workshop Notes for Warping with a Warping Paddle

Voolich, Erica Playing With Blocks, An Exploration of Multiharness Overshot

Weltge, Sigrid Wortmann Bauhaus Textiles

West, Virginia M. Finishing Touches for the Handweaver

Worst, Edward F. Weaving with Foot-Power Looms, Drafts for Over 285 Patterns

Zielinski, Stanislaw A. Encyclopedia of Hand-Weaving