Ikat & Patches

Check out this fun time lapse video of an Ikat project. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=vfa7srYWo4s And this, my friends, is a grand way to turn a hole or a tear in your favorites clothes into a work of art! http://blog.karenbarbe.com/2011/07/creative-mending-part-2-patches.html Now get your…

NOBO Meeting Thursday May 24

The meeting this Thursday, May 24th, 7-9 pm, is at Loom with a View. We are very excited to hear Nathanial Needle’s presentation on Saori weaving and the Saori Worcester program.  To preview  their website please go to http://www.saoriworcester.com/home.htm    If there…

Thank you!

Allow me to thank all of you for the lovely flowers I received at NOBO’s fourth anniversary celebration. It has been so heartwarming to watch our guild grow and prosper. I look forward to many more years of weaving adventures…

News from NEWS

Your trusty delegate has just returned from the latest NEWS planning session, and I am over the moon excited about the classes that will be offered. Mark your calendars now, because you’ll definitely be taking time off from work and…