Check out this fun time lapse video of an Ikat project. And this, my friends, is a grand way to turn a hole or a tear in your favorites clothes into a work of art! Now get your…
The meeting this Thursday, May 24th, 7-9 pm, is at Loom with a View. We are very excited to hear Nathanial Needle’s presentation on Saori weaving and the Saori Worcester program. To preview their website please go to If there…
Hi NOBO’ERS Our next Circular Sock Knitting Machine Crank-In and Spin-In at the Crank-In will be on this Sunday May 6th! Pleasce come and work on a project~ any fibre arts are welcome. For the past year, I have been…
Allow me to thank all of you for the lovely flowers I received at NOBO’s fourth anniversary celebration. It has been so heartwarming to watch our guild grow and prosper. I look forward to many more years of weaving adventures…
Your trusty delegate has just returned from the latest NEWS planning session, and I am over the moon excited about the classes that will be offered. Mark your calendars now, because you’ll definitely be taking time off from work and…
I would like to sincerely thank every single guild member for growing NOBO Handweavers into a guild that is truly beyond what Betsy and I imagined that first meeting in April 2008. We have gone from this (a section…
Melissa, Kirsten, and I are hoping there just might be a guild member who has one of those great, old-fashioned galvanized washtubs that we could borrow. We are working on quite the collaboration and need to photo document the washing…