This Sunday~ Circular Sock Knitting Machine Crank-in and Spin-In


Our next Circular Sock Knitting Machine Crank-In and Spin-In at the Crank-In will be on this Sunday May 6th! Pleasce come and work on a project~ any fibre arts are welcome. For the past year, I have been rug-hooking, but this Sunday, I’ll be finally be bringing my sock machine!
Hope to see you there!
and the usual….

“Socks By The Side of the Road” is having another Circular Sock Knitting Machine Crank-In and spinners are also invited!
All the details are below. Feel free to invite anyone to join us that would be interested! And please pass this
email to anyone that I may have forgotten.
When: Sunday May 6th, 2012 from 10-4

Where: The NH State Rest Area on route 93 in Salem, NH. The rest area is located
on the northbound side of route 93 just over the Mass/NH border. It is very nice
place to meet.

What to bring: a table or stand, chair, CSM & related stuff, rug or towel to put on the floor under your machine,
your lunch and a snack to share (if you want).

Hope you can join us! Please let me know if you can come and don’t forget a chair.
Any questions, please email me

p.s. No selling allowed at out meetings~ The State’s rule, not ours!

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