Please return any borrowed books and let me know if anyone has requests. Remember, our library listing is accessible through our website. We have some stern guidelines that were implemented by the “First Keeper” of the Written Word which covers…
I have a spinning wheel that needs a spinner to determine whether it is usable (really questioning this) and then if it is usable, I need a spinner who wants it. I am going to bring the wheel to…
Not quite but I had someone contact me about a barn frame loom at the Historical Society in Kingston, NH. The heddles are disintegrating and the treadles (2) need retying. They were hoping a weaver or weavers might be willing…
“Mystery Dye” (St. John’s Wort), indigo, osage orange, lichen, cutch, onion skins, cochineal, black walnuts, tansy, goldenrod, logwood. Assorted wools, silk, alpaca, dog hair, a handwoven hankerchief, and t-shirts.
ARE YOU INTERESTED IN WEAVING? Luxury Fibers Scarf Workshop Start your weekend early at Antrim Handweaving. Radiantly colored, hand dyed luxury fibers such as alpaca, cashmere, merino, silk will dress your loom. At the end of the workshop, you will…
Antrim Handweaving, Studio & Study’s popular beginning weaving session – ARE YOU INTERESTED IN LEARNING TO WEAVE? THE NEXT BEGINNER’S CLASS STARTS SEPTEMBER 9 “A Woven Journey” Over six weeks, you will travel to the fascinating land of weaving. Here…
Are we opening this up to non NOBO members? Maybe with a fee? I have a student who is interested and would also like to bring a friend. Neither are NOBO members at this time.