Site Update

I have just updated the site to the latest release which includes a fix for a security problem. There are some additional changes with the more noticeable ones being on the Dashboard and a new distraction free editing option. One…

Minutes March 2015

The minutes have been posted under the Minutes link and for convenience may be read here. Included are the two handouts from Terry for the LibraryThing Demo and ted for the NoBo WebSite.

Georgia Cotton

We have purchased yarn from the Georgia Yarn Company and received this emailing today. Other members may be interested.  I have a lot of natural Georgia cotton in 8/4 on a 7 pound + cone, 3 cones of 8/5, 5 pound +…

TED Talks

Thanks Ted, for educating us about our website last night at our NOBO meeting. It’s a great resource and everyone should know how to use it. We’re very lucky to have such a talented tech guru!

Meeting minutes January 2015

Meeting minutes – January 2015 PROGRAM This month’s presentation was given by textile conservationist Camille Myers Breeze. Camille spoke and showed slides about her teaching and conservation work in Peru and about her career in textile preservation. Camille spent a…