The following link was included in the Boston Weavers Guild latest email broadcast. I really enjoyed reading through this and believe it is worth sharing with everyone –
Our results of – choosing a breed or breeds, sourcing fleece, roving, and/or yarn, spinning for some, designing, and weaving. Leicester Longwool, Cotswold, Dorset Horn, Lincoln, Oxford, Black Welsh Mountain, Clun Forest, Shetland, Shropshire, and Southdown.
This morning on “Good Day New York”, Linda Cortright, editor/publisher of Wild Fibers and founder of Keep the Fleece, presented the attached sections of the WLS while accompanied by a llama on the streets of NYC. Take a close look…
When you have a moment, go to, then to the menu on left to get to “Scarf Team Listing”. Scroll through the teams and take a look at the donations for NOBO Handweavers. We have a new total!!
Our section for the World’s Longest Scarf has been completed and mailed, along with its matching journal, to Rhinebeck, NY! We were able to weave just over 7′ and our donations to Heifer International through Keep the Fleece came to…
In case anyone would like to have a little fun with Tartan design, especially with our featured speaker for September, visit It is addictive!
Today’s mail brought Leicester Longwool handspun yarn from Cranberry Moon Farm, Cummington, MA. Lisa Westervelt is shepherdess, spinner, weaver and the first registered Leicester Longwool breeder in MA. Despite all she packs in during a day, she agreed to spin…