NOBO’s Fifth Anniversary

Although this won’t be happening for a couple of years or so, we are planning ahead!

Those of you who attended our July meeting are aware that the program centered around tips and tricks pertaining to weaving. It was suggested that we collect these, along with others which may surface from time to time, and assemble them in book form to be made available to the weaving community as part of our fifth anniversary celebration.

With that thought in mind, I am asking each of you send me information concerning non-traditional tools, tricks, and/or methods you have found useful when preparing to weave, during the weaving process, or when finishing the piece. For example, a couple of tips mentioned during our meeting involved the use of binder clips and pipe cleaners.

This request goes out to all of you – even if your handy hint was mentioned during the meeting, please send it to me, along with any others which come to mind.

I will remind you of this periodically – but, please, do start now!

Many thanks.

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