Be sure to get hold of the May/June issue of Handwoven!
British rare breed bookmarks woven by NOBO Handweavers, USA A sampling of the British rare breed bookmarks woven by Staffordshire Moorlands weavers, UK
Published by Margaret B. Russell
Focus - natural fibers, naturally colored and naturally hand-dyed. Specialty - researching and weaving with the wools of primitive, rare, and threatened British sheep breeds.
View all posts by Margaret B. Russell
One Reply to “Old England/New England Bookmark Exchange”
A package has been sent on to the Staffordshire Moorland’s Guild of Spinners, Weavers and Dyers, UK. I included their collection of NOBO’s woven bookmarks, a copy of Handwoven, and our flyer. This completes our Old England to New England rare British sheep breed bookmark exchange. Onward to our internal table runner exchange focusing on rare American sheep breeds!
A package has been sent on to the Staffordshire Moorland’s Guild of Spinners, Weavers and Dyers, UK. I included their collection of NOBO’s woven bookmarks, a copy of Handwoven, and our flyer. This completes our Old England to New England rare British sheep breed bookmark exchange. Onward to our internal table runner exchange focusing on rare American sheep breeds!