June 2014 Minutes

Minutes of the June 2014 meeting of NOBO

The meeting opened with Tip Jar ideas. The main tips were from Eileen, Betsy and Kathie about using social media in our weaving lives.

Eileen shared her favorite Ravelry sites and encouraged everyone to join up. Her favorite groups were these: Warped Weavers, Warped Weavers Marketplace, Weavers Cafe, Weavers Cafe Trading Post, Weaving with handspun, Macomber Loom (and other manufacturers groups, Weaving Yarn Review, Weaving book and video review, Loom reviews, Travelry (tips for fiber loving travelers).

Betsy then spoke about Using Facebook and it’s many groups for Rigid Heddle weavers, 4 shaft and 8 shaft weavers, New England Weavers Seminar and many many more. Her favorite group is London Cloth – check it out!

Kathie discussed Pinterest. She showed us her computer tablet and one of the ‘boards’ she had created. You can create a board on any topic and then add ideas to it that you find online. You then share your finds and ideas with others. Many are already using and sharing around the topic of weaving. Two web sites also mentioned were hand weaving.net and weavolution.

Finally Margaret had an unrelated tip. Use the large Velcro ties from stor bought fresh vegetable to hold back unused heddles on your loom!

Vicki gave us the BALANCE IN THE BANK—$1,589.86. We now have 23 members and need to think about building it up. $100 will be given to the Newburyport Library in September.

– the Georgetown library exhibit is down and Eileen and Betsy have all remaining items
Rowley Library would like a similar display there but no one is ready to do the work required.

– reminder that there will be no regular meetings in July and August. However, there will be an informal get together on the usual night and time but at Panera in Newburyport. In August there will be another Natural Dye day at the Corcorans -the 23rd (rain day the 30th). Terry Anderson will coordinate it.

– Terry is also working on the LibraryThing and will be sending out emails about how people can help.

– Ikat Workshop was a success and people brought in the yarns they had dyed. Each sample was shown and discussed. Any ideas for other workshops should be shared with The Ladies of the Draft


– There are 2 looms and a wheel looking for new homes. an old Cranbrook counterbalance, 4 harness 48″ rug loom for $800 – see Betsy if interested. A
Macomber 40″ 4 harness for $500 and an older Saxony style wheel – see Diane about either of these.

– brief discussion of restarting the old practice of having a ‘Sale Table’ where people could bring in any weaving related items to sell and then give 10% of proceeds to the Guild. The idea was approved.

– Fiber Revival is August 9th from 9-4. Olivia and Eileen will coordinate, Peg, Ellen and anyone else who can will help out. Let Eileen know if you can help.

– Topsfield Fair is Oct 3-13. People are in decided about doing it again.
Also the Big E in Springfield is Oct 13. People can go online to check this out and see about entering projects.

Show and Share as well as an Ice Cream Smorgasbord followed! Both great successes!

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