Happy 3rd Photos and more
With the combined effort of Ted, Gail, and Lady NOBO, there are photos of our April anniversary meeting in our Galleries section. Take a few moments to revisit (or visit) the celebration. I invite everyone to share a highlight or two of the past year on this post. What has happened as a result of our 2010/2011 guild year that is specifically meaningful to you as a weaver?
For me, it is experiencing the ever growing energy of NOBO. Weavers packed together once a month in A Loom with a View, bursting with news, experiences, ideas, and woven pieces. However this year, I now see members in two very significant ways. First as a group that strongly supports and always (!) encourages one another in the fiber field. Second, and what is equally as exciting, is to see our newer weavers alongside seasoned weavers in identifying, pursuing, and fulfilling their very own weaving interests. Fantastic!
Great photos and projects! Nicely done, everyone.