Conan O’Brien Catches Fiber Fever

If you haven’t seen the American Express/Conan O’Brien commercial from India take a peek it’s quite interesting, funny, and fiber related

2 Replies to “Conan O’Brien Catches Fiber Fever”

  1. This is a riot. So how much beyond 10,000 rupees/225 dollars do you suppose Conan went? He was sure carrying out a lot of cones of silk. Do you think we should add running a piece of silk through our mouths to our listing of tips and tricks for weavers?

  2. Whoever was in charge of writing this commercial captured the essence of fiber addiction.
    I crack up every time it comes on.

    There was a scene in LOST where Jacob was spinning and weaving, too.
    Love the TV weaving exposure especially with cute guys throwing the shuttle!

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