From the Dust Jacket

November 7, 2010

Those of you who attended the October meeting are aware that Leah Reed will shortly be assuming responsibility for the NOBO Library. The transition is taking place this week; therefore, this will be my final column to the membership.

It is not my intent to discuss a specific topic of interest, but, rather, to thank you for giving me the opportunity to care for our library. I have thoroughly enjoyed becoming familiar with its contents, as well as becoming better acquainted with those of you who have taken advantage of this wealth of information.

We are very fortunate to have this library and I want to encourage each and every one of you to make use of what it has to offer.

Thank you.

One Reply to “From the Dust Jacket”

  1. BRAVO Joan! NOBO Handweavers thank you for all you have done as our premiere “Keeper of the Written Word”. We have benefited in so many ways – your regular runs of “From the Dust Jacket”, to indexing and overseeing our collection, to your admirable and meticulous attention to detail, and to your sincere interest in bettering the guild. We are such a fortunate group of weavers but evenmore so because of you!

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