Pease Greeters

Has anyone ever heard of the Pease Greeters before?

I was just made aware of this special group of volunteers recently. They’re a group of  seacoast residents who greet

each and every plane of U.S.soldiers that arrive from or depart to Afghanistan or Iraq through Pease Airport in Newington, NH.

My daughter and I greeted a plane leaving for Afghanistan on Thanksgiving night and it was a very emotional experience.

There were around 150 civilians and veterans cheering 75+ troops who had been on R&R and were going back to war.

The greeters have been doing this wonderful service for over seven years and have welcomed, fed and befriended over 100,000 soldiers.

If interested, just go to their website and check out when a flight will be passing through.

Then just show up. Parking is at the main Air Terminal (not Air Force base) and just mention you’re a first timer.

Oh, the reason I thought of my fiber friends is because they’re running low on hand knit caps for the troops.

Winter is cold in Afghanistan and the soldiers appreciate their knit caps.

Here’s the website. The info for the caps is under the announcement tab:

I’ve been looking for a special way to support our troops and it was in our own backyard the whole time!


3 Replies to “Pease Greeters”

  1. Kathie,
    I’m so glad you shared this with the whole group. I know several knitters who are looking for opportunities to knit for a worthy cause. In fact, if anyone wants to drop off knitted caps for the troops at A Loom with a View, I’ll make sure they are delivered in time for the next *Greeting*.

  2. That’s wonderful Betsy!
    According to Mr. D–one of the organizers–the troops love their hand knit caps.
    I’d be happy to bring caps up with me, as I hope to greet at least once a week.
    It’s kind of addicting, in a good way :-)

  3. Thanks for posting about this, Kathie. I’d heard of these people, and I think one trip my son might have even flown through Pease AFB. It’s really quite remarkable – they’re often out there in the middle of the night, right?

    Do let me know when you next go. I might join you sometime. I’ll bet it is addicting!

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