Court Positions

The NOBO Handweavers guild needs a couple positions filled to complete our Court!  Please consider the following two positions – Organizing Chancellor and Lady/Lord of the Lens Scribe.

The Organizing Chancellor is a shared position and one member has come forth to fill part of this position.  This role is one in which the member would oversee the guild’s involvement in outside fiber events.  For example, Fiber Revival.  You would be responsible (in a shared way) to make sure NOBO is represented during this event.  It might include signing on weavers to demonstrate weaving, having members available to promote our guild by offering our printed guild info, answering questions, encouraging the attendance to a first time meeting, find the weavers that might be out there that don’t know about NOBO Handweavers ….  It is not up to you to personally to do all these activities but to make sure there are members committed to do so.  It really does come down to Fiber Revival (August 2011) at this time.  NEWS is already overseen by the NEWS reps, however the two members sharing this position could make themselves available to assist REPS as needed or even overseeing our guild table display.  As I said during our meeting, these positions have basic responsibilities but are also open to you putting your mark on them if you like.  There certainly could be some fiber event that our participation would benefit the guild and others interested in seeing and learning about what weaving is all about.  As an Organizing Chancellor, you could definitely present something like this to the guild and request members involvement.

Lady/Lord of the Lens Scribe – Kirsten is our Lady of the Lens. NOBO needs someone who would work with Kirsten and actually post her photos on the site.  Also, the “Lens Scribe” would be willing to aid members in posting their own photos of weavings/looms should they need that guidance.  Our “Gallery” is pretty lean and certainly does not reflect all that our members accomplish and all that goes on during meetings.  The Gallery is an opportunity for photo documentation of what is not only shown during meetings but equally as important, what occurs with members and their looms in between meetings.  It is always such a thrill to see finished pieces during Show and Show.  It is also equally as exciting but additionally educational to be able to see pieces in various stages on members looms.

Sincerely think about filling one of these positions.  Overall, these are not independent positions.  Really none of the Court positions are.  We have done very well in growing our guild (3rd birthday celebration in April!!).  But in its growth, needs are identified, and members must come together to insure the continuance of something I am sure we all would hate to lose.  Everyone has something to offer.  This is the important time for me to interject and recognize (and understand) that not every member will fill a position.  That does not make for less of a member.  Strengths within our group is in all forms.  It isn’t just seen while a member is associated with a certain Court position.  Participation has come in many ways.  We are all responsible for the success of the guild and the reason it has been successful is because a truly sensational group of fiber people have come forth to make it so.  I really enjoy seeing the support that is offered for one and all during meetings and the inspiration that is felt long after a meeting has ended.  It takes committed people to make this happen and from what I easily see, we are quite the committed group!

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