September Minutes

The minutes for the September Meeting have been posted. Please use this link NoBo_Minutes_0924 or the Minutes page. This meeting featured a presentation by Sarah Fortin who shared her extensive knowledge of weaving for garment construction as well as techniques…

June 2015 Minutes

The minutes for the June Meeting have been posted. Please use this link June 2015 Minutes or the Minutes page. Included are some pictures of the Weaving Memories items that were on display and described. The notes only provide an…

May 2015 Minutes

The minutes for the May 2015 meeting have been posted under minutes. I have included some photos of Roberta, the demonstration piece and two others. Thanks to Margaret for proof reading the minutes and providing corrections.

Discussion on Copyright

At the May meeting there was some concern that members were not submitting pieces for the NEWs awards. I am acutely aware of the writings by a frequent contributor and Handwoven Staff member about articles submitted for shows and how…