Penny would like to bring to the attention of the guild the Knitters Review upcoming events. There are a large number of events listed some in interesting far away places. Anyone interested in going to Edinburgh, Scotland for the Scottish…
The Illuminator has added the photographs from the 8th Annual Anniversary meeting. Please select Galleries from the menu and then select the Sandra Gent album.
Minutes from the 8th Annual Anniversary Meeting are available here or select the Minutes page where links have been added to the Library Thing Handout. Ladies of the and and Weft remain vacant, volunteer please. Version 0.1 of a SETT…
Minutes from the March meeting have been posted they may be viewed here or select the Minutes page from the menu. Please note that officers for the guild will be changing in April, most positions are filled as indicated in…
Leah presented Kumihimo including a guided practice session. These are some pictures from the meeting. Sandra your illuminator Kumihimo sample
Minutes from the February meeting have been posted they may be viewed here or select the Minutes page from the menu. Please note that officers for the guild will be changing in April, some positions are filled but some remain…
The minutes for the January meeting have been posted. Please use this link or select the Minutes page. Thanks to Martha for writing the minutes.