Hunting Season

Hunting for ideas, actually.
NOBO needs to start thinking about our NEWS guild exhibit for 2013. Melissa and I thought about tying our Fiber Shed project in with a Made In New England theme. Any other theme ideas floating around?
Historical or modern, local or international—just as long as it reflects our NOBO community.

Also, we’re hunting down leads for a special speaker to help celebrate our big fifth birthday next April. Someone to speak on Thursday night and run a workshop on Friday and/or Saturday. Preferably someone within driving distance to defray costs.
Randall Darwall and Becky Ashden from Vavstuga come to mind but there’s definitely more people to consider.

So, the hunt is on for both of these ideas.
What I love about our group is our creative thinking.
That’s what we need for our NEWS theme and
special birthday guest—creative ideas!

4 Replies to “Hunting Season”

  1. For NEWS – I really like the idea of using something we are already working on – Fiber Shed and placing the emphasis on New England since it is for New England Weavers Seminar. We could either try to cover the New England states or concentrate solely on our own state. I can just envision some sort of “textural fiber map” designating the locations of our sources as part of the display.

  2. How about Daryl Lancaster? She does wonderful workshops. Don’t know what she charges but she is in NJ, so it is drivable.

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